Perfect for those well-deserved, relaxing summer nights, the Zero Fireplace from AK47 Design stole my heart right from the start. After having featured the Thor Fireplace, we found this inspiring round fireplace has one specific goal: to bring people together. The designers speak about the fireplace’s comforting features: “An outdoor wood fireplace, a nest in which to seek refuge, enjoying the warmth of the fire: the eccentric dance of the flames is replaced by the silent burning of the embers. A sweet warmth that comforts your guests.” It comes neatly packed with several accessories – like the grill, cover disc and combustion chamber – that turn it from a simple wood burning fireplace to an artistic decoration that gathers friends and family around a cosy fire. The firewood container, alongside the closing disk that covers the combustion chamber, protects the fireplace from damaging rain. The round steel fireplace displays a contemporary shape that encourages communication and relaxation. Easy to assemble, the Zero Fireplace will be there whenever you need the company of friends and flames.

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